Oh no, not again! That’s what we’ve been thinking these past few months. Unfortunately, the decision we all feared has been made: same as in 2020, there will be no CaDansa this year. There is still too much uncertainty for us to be able to make CaDansa happen in October the way you know it: a wonderful balfolk festival full of fantastic bands, fun games, joyful encounters, hugs and dances.

The risks and uncertainties surrounding possible (ever changing) rules for social-distancing, mask-wearing and visitor-numbers, here in the Netherlands as well as abroad, are currently too big for CaDansa. Continuing on this road towards October, with perhaps a cancellation later on, could mean that CaDansa would no longer be possible at all in the future. That is the last thing we want and that is why we had to make this decision with great reluctance and sadness. We would’ve loved to join you on the dancefloor in De Meenthe. Yet we do not give up, we keep courage and we continue to organize. Of course we hope with all our hearts that we will be back at full strength in 2022 and then set up a smashing ninth edition, with the most beautiful music and finest dances, like you’ve come to expect from CaDansa. We hope to see you all at the next edition and we’ll be happy to dance a dance (or two, or five, or twenty or a hundred) with you. Until we dance again! Yet we do not give up, we keep courage and we continue to organize.

Program 2021

You already know Trio Baladins would have come to perform this year. Who the other artists & the workshop teachers would have been, we will keep a secret from you for a while. We might try and ask them for a next edition 😉.

Donate and support

Although CaDansa will not take place this year, we’ve been working around the clock to try to make it happen. Plenty of things have already been set in motion. This is of course not free of charge. For example, we still have the costs of our website, storage and insurance. That is why we now have the opportunity to donate again, if you want to support us and make the next CaDansa possible. When we have covered this year’s costs, we will close the donation again. After all, CaDansa remains a non-profit festival and it wouldn’t feel right for us to make a profit. Check our donation page for more information.

Until the next CaDansa!

Of course we assume that we will be back at full strength in 2022 and then set up a smashing ninth edition, with the most beautiful music and finest dances, like you’ve come to expect from CaDansa. We hope to see you all at the next edition and we’ll be happy to dance a dance (or two, or five, or twenty or a hundred) with you. Until we dance again!

CaDansa 2021 update

16 June 2021

We know: Covid-19 is so last year and we are all done with it. Fortunately, there are some positive developments in the Netherlands and we are hopeful that we can organise CaDansa 2021 for you after all. This is not yet 100 percent certain. We have to adhere to the rules of the Dutch government in this regard.

It is therefore still unclear for us how exactly CaDansa 2021 will be like. This still depends on the Covid-19 rules in October in the Netherlands and abroad – after all, people come to CaDansa from all over Europe. It now seems like the festival is possible without the mandatory 1,5 meters away from one another, as long as everyone tests negative for Covid-19 before (and possibly during) the festival.

Not all of the regulations are completely clear yet, such as whether people who have already been vaccinated do not need to be tested, which tests are allowed and how we can facilitate this as an organisation. If a negative corona-test is mandatory in October, we cannot make any exceptions.

And yet: with this we can dance like it’s 2019 again, give each other hugs and have a relatively low-risk festival together.

The CaDansa team has not stopped working on this years edition and is already busy with the preparations. For now, we will of course also keep an eye on the developments around Covid-19 for you and we will regularly update you about the current measures. An FAQ page has been set up for questions and updates about Covid-19. Do you still have questions? Don’t worry, you can always contact us!

Do you want to know more about CaDansa? You can read about it in our latest newsletter!

CaDansa 2020 Contest

22 October 2020

While we can’t celebrate CaDansa traditionally this year, we still want to stay in the CaDansa-spirit, and celebrate with you all. We’re curious about your CaDansa-feeling.

This time not a coloring competition, but we’ll leave it up to you and your creativity. So: craft, cut, paste, photograph, write, draw, dance your feelings for CaDansa and share it with us. Leave it on our Facebook page, send us a message with your creation or e-mail it to questions@cadansa.nl. We’ll gladly share your creations with everyone.

And, for extra motivation: we’ll have a ticket to CaDansa 2021 for the creation that represents the CaDansa-feels the best – and okay, the most beautiful, creative, fun or special. Send in your creation before Sunday 19.00 CET, when CaDansa usually ends… Monday we’ll announce the winner.

Two of our organisers (Wouko and Selena) have already been creative with this assignment. How will you surprise us?

CaDansa 2020 – Activities

21 October 2020

Tomorrow we would have seen you all again at another edition of CaDansa. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to do this due to the COVID-19 outbreak. That doesn’t mean we’ll let this just sadly go by. Read more about the CaDansa-weekend of 2020 in our latest newsletter. To give you a tiny sneak peek: it includes a recipe from Sacha (Zoetzenzatie)!

Read all about it here 😊

No CaDansa in 2020

27 June 2020

Unfortunately we had to make the hard decision as well: this year there will be no CaDansa. The Dutch government has cancelled all big events, most likely until there is a vaccine. If there will be big events allowed before that, it will probably be while having to keep 1,5 meter distance.

This way we can’t guarantee you the CaDansa you love so much: the wonderful balfolk festival full of crazy bands, funny games and beautiful connections. That’s why we decided to cancel CaDansa 2020. We expect to be back in full force for CaDansa 2021, to make an amazing 9th edition with all of you. Of course we’ll keep all the wonderful music and lovely dances, just like you’re used to.

In the meanwhile: stay healthy, keep distance from each other and don’t forget to support Balfolk in these hard times. You can do this several ways, listen to Balfolk on Spotify, watch a livestream of and/or donate to your favorite artist if you can. And let them know you’re not forgetting about them 😉 . We hope to see you all in good health at CaDansa 2021! As soon as the date for CaDansa 2021 is set, we’ll let you know in all the usual ways.

Of course we’ll make CaDansa 2021 a great edition. In the meantime you can support us – we don’t have a festival this year, but unfortunately we do have expenses (like this website) – by donating. You can find more information about donating on the donation page.

Do you have other questions? Check our FAQ here.

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