The first day of CaDansa is over and this second day, the Friday, is just as fun and nice as the first. We already have a lot of photos, made by Ork. Not only pictures of the dance floor, the dancing people and musicians, but also the people posing in the Photobooth of course!

The photos from Thursday can be found here.

Photo by Ork de Rooij
The Photobooth is of course completely in theme again this year and everyone is excited about the props and surroundings, making the most creative and fun photos you can imagine.

For the even more creative people among us, there is also a photo challenge that you can participate in this festival.

Workshop registrations

3 October 2022

We’ve put the finishing touches on our workshop program (and even added a few more 🤩). Therefore, barring exceptional circumstances, the workshop program is final! That also means that it’s clear which workshops will require registrations, and we can open those registrations. That will happen at Wednesday October 5th, at 16:00 CET to be precise. So… Choice overload, time to pick which workshops to attend!

Picture by Ork fotografie

Workshop program

12 September 2022

CaDansa doesn’t only have great bands, but we also welcome some amazing workshop teachers! We offer more than 20 workshops this time around (some are offered more than once), and we are proud to present this years’ workshop program. Please do note that some details are not set in stone, and the program might change. We will have all this sorted out before the registration for the workshops with limited participants will open 😉.

Picture by Ronald Rietman

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