No CaDansa in 2020
Unfortunately we had to make the hard decision as well: this year there will be no CaDansa. The Dutch government has cancelled all big events, most likely until there is a vaccine. If there will be big events allowed before that, it will probably be while having to keep 1,5 meter distance.
This way we can’t guarantee you the CaDansa you love so much: the wonderful balfolk festival full of crazy bands, funny games and beautiful connections. That’s why we decided to cancel CaDansa 2020. We expect to be back in full force for CaDansa 2021, to make an amazing 9th edition with all of you. Of course we’ll keep all the wonderful music and lovely dances, just like you’re used to.
In the meanwhile: stay healthy, keep distance from each other and don’t forget to support Balfolk in these hard times. You can do this several ways, listen to Balfolk on Spotify, watch a livestream of and/or donate to your favorite artist if you can. And let them know you’re not forgetting about them 😉 . We hope to see you all in good health at CaDansa 2021! As soon as the date for CaDansa 2021 is set, we’ll let you know in all the usual ways.
Of course we’ll make CaDansa 2021 a great edition. In the meantime you can support us – we don’t have a festival this year, but unfortunately we do have expenses (like this website) – by donating. You can find more information about donating on the donation page.
Do you have other questions? Check our FAQ here.