More places to sleep!

11 July 2019

If you’re still looking for a good place to sleep during CaDansa, we’ve got some news for you! We’ve added tot special locations to our list:

  • 24 people can stay in the Sleepboxx, a nicely rebuild truck trailer that will be parked next to de Meenthe. There will be no shorter way between the dance floor and your bed!
  • “Het Hunehuis”, at 12 km from de Meenthe, will be invaded with CaDansians.

Read the accommodation-page for more information. This saturday the sale of sleeping-tickets will start, via our ticket-page.

All the latest news, you can read in our news letter!

It’s here! The poster for CaDansa 2019! 🏕

This year, we will explore new terrain, as the festival is moving from Duiven to Steenwijk. Pack your sleeping bag: we’re going on an adventure!

As a child, we used to spend many camping trips with our nose in a holiday puzzle book. So here’s one for the bands! We’ve filled out the CaDansa-letters to get you started, and as an extra hint, the o… 
for Otter, our youngest mascot . Isn’t he dapper?

These coming weeks, we’ll announce 1 band every Thursday. So keep an eye on the program page. But maybe you’ll guess them first?

Start ticket sale

21 March 2019

On Saturday, the 11th of May at 12.00 p.m. (CEST), the ticket sale will start! There’s more information about this on our ticket page.

A place to sleep!

14 February 2019

You want to get some sleep in between all the dancing during CaDansa? We’ve got great news for you! Our list with hotels, group accommodations, etc. is online now 🙂 . Please take a look at the Accommodations page!

2019 starts with a very happy announcement: we’ve found a new home for CaDansa! Theatre De Meenthe in Steenwijk will host us this year 🙂

“Great, yeah! Steenwijk! I’ve always wanted to visit Steenwijk! ….what exactly ís Steenwijk?” we hear you think. Well, you can read all about this fantastic place in our latest news letter!

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