In this workshop, we will explore what is possible in Balfolk with the diatonic harmonica. The Harmonica (Harp, mundharmonica, Mond- , …) is a neat small instrument, that does the trick if you want to play music and also travel light.

This is the first workshop Jos will give on the Harmonica in Balfolk. He discovered that many musicians has the Harmonica in their luggage, so as a self-taught harmonica-player he’ll need to be humble, he doesn’t know it all 😉. Hench the interactive part of the workshop title!

Jos will bring the things he knows and we’ll see together what we can do in two hours. You’ll get some background, but we’ll also play a few tunes together, there is time for joking around and of course, to have fun!


  • You’ll need to bring your own harmonica/harp. Preferable a 10 hole and preferable in C (most common). If you bring your own harmonica, make sure that it is proper one, the toy ones will not give you much joy.
  • You don’t have a harmonica? Jos also has 10 Hohner Specials 20 in C for sale. Normally they cost at least €30,- (with post), but he offers them for €20,-.
  • You’ll have to sign up for this workshop. The registration opens at October 5th, 16:00 CET.

A crash course in the two most popular dances from Skåne, the southern tip of Sweden! These dances are both fun and easy to learn, but there is so much depth and details to be found within them. After this workshop you will be ready to party south-swedish style on our “Spelmanstämmor” next summer 😉.

This workshop will be outside the festival location, at Meester Zigher ter Steghestraat 3, 8331 KG Steenwijk (walking distance).

No workshop registration required!


10 September 2022

Lego: Let’s play with rhythm. We’ll learn how to invent our own rhythmic variations, and how to use them when it makes sense to the music. All this without leaving the comfort of closed position.

No workshop registration required!

Depending on the number – and the type – of instruments, we shall begin with learning one or more simple themes. From there, we shall explore the interplay (depending on the capacities and wishes of everyone). Orchestration, the use of instruments to make different sounds than what they were designed to produce, harmonizing, improvisation and, eventually, second voices and counterpoint.
But, most of all, we shall have a great time making music! To communicatie without words or gestures, if only for a short time.


  • There is a maximum of 12 participants.
  • You’ll have to sign up for this workshop. The registration opens at October 5th, 16:00 CET.

Leading and following, we use the same terms in bal folk, tango, swing or any couple dance and still, position, attitude and steps differ. Together, we’ll look deep for the specifics of bal folk mazurka, waltz and scottish, before swapping roles!

No workshop registration required!

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