Workshops overview

Thursday 24th of October

> 17:00
> 18:00
> 19:00
> 20:00

Friday 25th of October

> 11:00
> 12:00
> 13:00
> 14:00
> 15:00
> 16:00
> 17:00
> 18:00
> 19:00
> 20:00

Saturday 26th of October

> 11:00
> 12:00
> 13:00
> 14:00
> 15:00
> 16:00
> 17:00

Sunday 27th of October

> 10:00
> 11:00
> 12:00
> 13:00
> 14:00

> 0:00
Music room Fox

Music Intro to Diatonic accordion

Wouter Kuyper

Level: ★ Beginners

Music Intro to Diatonic accordion

Wouter Kuyper

Level: ★ Beginners

Quiet space

Music Diatonic accordion (advanced)

Bruno Le Tron

Level: ★★★ Intermediate

Music room Hedgehog

Music Introduction workshop Hurdy-gurdy

Cor Westbroek

Level: ★ Beginners

Music Introduction workshop Bagpipe

Menno Wester

Level: ★ Beginners

Open stage

Dance Introduction to balfolk

Marco van Barneveld

Level: ★ Beginners

Dance Keep calm and vary on

Rafael & Nele

Level: Everyone

Dance Lego

Rafael & Nele

Level: Everyone


Dance Into the unknown with bourrée 3t (Auvergne)

Saskia Sportel & Arthur Abeille

Level: Everyone

Other Tai Chi / Qi Gong

Hans van Giffen

Level: Everyone

Ballet room

Dance The master of Steps (and how to tame your feet)

Remi Kesteman

Level: ★ Beginners

Dance Leading and following

Claire Favillier

Level: ★★ Slightly experienced

Music room Otter

Music Celtic Music Workshop on flute and whistle

Ies Muller

Level: ★★ Slightly experienced

Music Interplay

Pablo Golder

Level: ★★ Slightly experienced

> 0:00
Open stage

Dance Introduction to balfolk

Marco van Barneveld

Level: ★ Beginners

> 0:00
Music room Fox

Music Introduction workshop Hurdy-gurdy

Cor Westbroek

Level: ★ Beginners

Music Introduction workshop Bagpipe

Menno Wester

Level: ★ Beginners

Open stage

Dance How to have a part in the collective wave

Ellwen Barbault

Level: ★ Beginners

Dance Branle Béarnais (Branle d’Ossau)

Saskia Sportel & Arthur Abeille

Level: Everyone

Music room Otter

Music The Groove! (Or how to dance up your music)

Remi Kesteman

Level: ★★ Slightly experienced

Music Tunes from Scania!


Level: ★★ Slightly experienced


Music Breton singing

Marion Blanchard & Aurelien Congrega

Level: ★★ Slightly experienced

Dance Engelska and Slängpolska workshop


Level: Everyone

Ballet room

Dance One-and-a-two and all that jazz!

Mr. Folxlide

Level: ★ Beginners

Dance 5 ways to dance waltz in 5

Claire Favillier

Level: ★★ Slightly experienced


Other Tai Chi / Qi Gong

Hans van Giffen

Level: Everyone

Other Tai Chi / Qi Gong

Hans van Giffen

Level: Everyone

Workshops descriptions

Thursday 24th of October

Friday 25th of October

Saturday 26th of October

Sunday 27th of October

MusicIntro to Diatonic accordion

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Wouter Kuyper
Level: ★ Beginners
Kind of workshop: Music
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Location: Music room Fox
Have you always wanted to try out diatonic accordion? Curious how these instruments work? Or have you started playing recently, and could you use some help? Then join this beginners' workshop!
  • There will be a limited number of instruments available. Do you have your own diatonic accordion or are able to borrow one? Please take it with you!
  • You'll have to sign up for this workshop. The registration opens at October 5th, 16:00 CET.

MusicIntro to Diatonic accordion

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Wouter Kuyper
Level: ★ Beginners
Kind of workshop: Music
Time: 14:30 - 16:30
Location: Music room Fox
Have you always wanted to try out diatonic accordion? Curious how these instruments work? Or have you started playing recently, and could you use some help? Then join this beginners' workshop!
  • There will be a limited number of instruments available. Do you have your own diatonic accordion or are able to borrow one? Please take it with you!
  • You'll have to sign up for this workshop. The registration opens at October 5th, 16:00 CET.

MusicDiatonic accordion (advanced)

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Bruno Le Tron
Level: ★★★ Intermediate
Kind of workshop: Music
Time: 14:30 - 16:30
Location: Quiet space
This workshop is meant for intermediate and advanced levels. The learning will be based on Bruno Le Trons compositions which are inspired by traditional European music. Work on the bellows, ornaments, accompaniment, and the different playing techniques that characterize his style. Setting up of collective pieces with a second voice and accompaniment.

Oral learning only, without scores or tablatures!

  • This workshop has a maximum of 10 participants.
  • You'll have to sign up for this workshop. The registration opens at October 5th, 16:00 CET.

MusicIntroduction workshop Hurdy-gurdy

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Cor Westbroek
Level: ★ Beginners
Kind of workshop: Music
Time: 14:30 - 16:30
Location: Music room Hedgehog
Have you always been curious about the hurdy-gurdy? Then join this introduction workshop at CaDansa! Here we will try and play the hurdy-gurdy. Together we will try to make a first melody… of course, thereby we won’t forget the most important part: try to enjoy making music.
For whom? This workshop is for everyone who likes to focus for two hours on playing the hurdy-gurdy. Do you have no musical experience? Perfect! It's an introduction workshop. You don't have to bring your own instrument, we will bring some gurdies.
  • We use bagpipes which are provided for free by the Dutch Hurdy-gurdy and Bagpipe Foundation (Stichting Draailier en Doedelzak).
  • You'll have to sign up for this workshop. The registration opens at October 5th, 16:00 CET.

MusicIntroduction workshop Bagpipe

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Menno Wester
Level: ★ Beginners
Kind of workshop: Music
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Location: Music room Hedgehog
Have you always been curious about bagpipe playing and how these instruments work? Then join this introduction workshop at CaDansa! Here we will try and play bagpipe. Together we will try to make a first melody… of course, thereby we won’t forget the most important part: try to enjoying making music.

For the record: We won’t be playing the Scottish or Irish pipes, but the gurdies and pipes which are traditionally played in France, Belgium or in the Netherlands. Maybe you know them from paintings of Jeroen Bosch or Pieter Breughel?

For whom? This workshop is for everyone who likes to focus for two hours on playing the bagpipe. Do you have no musical experience? Perfect! It's an introduction workshop. You don't have to bring your own instrument, we will bring some bagpipes.
  • We use bagpipes which are provided for free by the Dutch Hurdy-gurdy and Bagpipe Foundation (Stichting Draailier en Doedelzak).
  • You'll have to sign up for this workshop. The registration opens at October 5th, 16:00 CET.

DanceIntroduction to balfolk

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Marco van Barneveld
Level: ★ Beginners
Kind of workshop: Dance
Time: 19:00 - 20:00
Location: Open stage
Did you just start balfolk dancing? Or will this be the very first time at a ball for you? No worries! In just an hour, Marco will teach you the basics of some of the more familiair balfolk dances, so you can immediately hit the dance floor afterwards!

No workshop registration required!

DanceKeep calm and vary on

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Rafael & Nele
Level: Everyone
Kind of workshop: Dance
Time: 14:30 - 16:30
Location: Open stage
In open position we will explore the concepts of weight and touch, which will let us gain an understanding of phenomena like grounding and feeling. This will allow us to guide our partner's movement and invent our own variations, on the spot, together.

No workshop registration required!


⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Rafael & Nele
Level: Everyone
Kind of workshop: Dance
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Location: Open stage
Lego: Let's play with rhythm. We'll learn how to invent our own rhythmic variations, and how to use them when it makes sense to the music. All this without leaving the comfort of closed position.

No workshop registration required!

DanceInto the unknown with bourrée 3t (Auvergne)

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Saskia Sportel & Arthur Abeille
Level: Everyone
Kind of workshop: Dance
Time: 14:30 - 16:30
Location: Theatre
Would you like more versatility in bourrées? Do you feel stuck or bored by bananas? Do you 'lose' your partner sometimes? Bump into others on the dance floor? We will have lots of fun going off-road with bourrées, into the unknown, and doing so together with our dance partner.

Specifically, we will explore bourrées in 3 times in couples, often referred to as 'bourrée d'Auvergne'. Saskia & Arthur will share tools and experience which will allow you to: 1) improvise to the musical phrases, 2) become versatile in your moves and movement in space and 3) more fluent in communication with your dance partner. Saskia will show us a graphic of circles and lines, explaining the framework she uses in her dance style, allowing you to try this out in your own dancing. P.S. as an added bonus: these techniques help keep each other safe, because they help to prevent collisions with other dancers in a crowded space.

No workshop registration required!

OtherTai Chi / Qi Gong

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Hans van Giffen
Level: Everyone
Kind of workshop: Other
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Location: Theatre
Taijiquan (Tai Chi) is an ancient internal martial art and is characterized by the slow, smooth and graceful consecutive movements that are called the 'form'; body and mind are one. In this awareness process you'll develop an alert relaxation, your breathing will slow down and the energy will flow through your entire body.

Qigong loosely translated means 'the cultivating of life energy' (chi) and you'll learn in fixed patterns a specific form. The stretching exercises for specific meridians, organs and body parts, combined with good breathing, will help you balance and connect your body and mind.

Lesson structure: *Warming-up - from your head to your feet, we'll softly stretch your big joints. *Walking and/or standing meditation. *Teaching the Ba Duan Jin, the 8 different exercises in the form. *Conclusion of the lesson.

Hans van Giffen has been teaching Taijiquan and Qigong for over 25 years. He has won multiple nation championships in multiple disciplines. He teaches in Amersfoort at his school, Silk Road.

No workshop registration required!

DanceThe master of Steps (and how to tame your feet)

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Remi Kesteman
Level: ★ Beginners
Kind of workshop: Dance
Time: 14:30 - 16:30
Location: Ballet room
Crash course for a successful comeback to the dance floor
Dancing again with hundreds of people after long periods of isolation can be frustrating, and even scary for some people. But worry not! We will deep dive into the foundations of the ball to make sure that everyone can have a maximum of fun during this festival. In this workshop we will work on posture, frame, group awareness, and refresh our memories on the core dances of balfolk, today. Come join the fun, you might even learn something new!

What you will need: Two feet, at least one good ear, a healthy dose of curiosity
What you won’t need: Extensive dance knowledge, a dance partner, fixed ideas

No workshop registration required!

DanceLeading and following

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Claire Favillier
Level: ★★ Slightly experienced
Kind of workshop: Dance
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Location: Ballet room
Leading and following, we use the same terms in bal folk, tango, swing or any couple dance and still, position, attitude and steps differ. Together, we'll look deep for the specifics of bal folk mazurka, waltz and scottish, before swapping roles!

No workshop registration required!

MusicCeltic Music Workshop on flute and whistle

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Ies Muller
Level: ★★ Slightly experienced
Kind of workshop: Music
Time: 14:30 - 16:30
Location: Music room Otter
What will we be doing? During this workshop we explore the world of Celtic music: music from Ireland, Scotland and Brittany. We will do this while learning some wonderful melodies. You will learn how you can get the Irish sound on your instrument, but there will also be many stories. Because there is one behind almost every tune!

No workshop registration required!


⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Pablo Golder
Level: ★★ Slightly experienced
Kind of workshop: Music
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Location: Music room Otter
Depending on the number - and the type - of instruments, we shall begin with learning one or more simple themes. From there, we shall explore the interplay (depending on the capacities and wishes of everyone). Orchestration, the use of instruments to make different sounds than what they were designed to produce, harmonizing, improvisation and, eventually, second voices and counterpoint.
But, most of all, we shall have a great time making music! To communicatie without words or gestures, if only for a short time.
  • There is a maximum of 12 participants.
  • You'll have to sign up for this workshop. The registration opens at October 5th, 16:00 CET.

DanceIntroduction to balfolk

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Marco van Barneveld
Level: ★ Beginners
Kind of workshop: Dance
Time: 18:30 - 19:30
Location: Open stage
Did you just start balfolk dancing? Or will this be the very first time at a ball for you? No worries! Marco will teach you the basics of some of the more familiair balfolk dances, so you can immediately hit the dance floor afterwards!

No workshop registration required!

MusicIntroduction workshop Hurdy-gurdy

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Cor Westbroek
Level: ★ Beginners
Kind of workshop: Music
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Location: Music room Fox
Have you always been curious about the hurdy-gurdy? Then join this introduction workshop at CaDansa! Here we will try and play the hurdy-gurdy. Together we will try to make a first melody… of course, thereby we won’t forget the most important part: try to enjoy making music.
For whom? This workshop is for everyone who likes to focus for two hours on playing the hurdy-gurdy. Do you have no musical experience? Perfect! It's an introduction workshop. You don't have to bring your own instrument, we will bring some gurdies.
  • We use bagpipes which are provided for free by the Dutch Hurdy-gurdy and Bagpipe Foundation (Stichting Draailier en Doedelzak).
  • You'll have to sign up for this workshop. The registration opens at October 5th, 16:00 CET.

MusicIntroduction workshop Bagpipe

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Menno Wester
Level: ★ Beginners
Kind of workshop: Music
Time: 14:30 - 16:30
Location: Music room Fox
Have you always been curious about bagpipe playing and how these instruments work? Then join this introduction workshop at CaDansa! Here we will try and play bagpipe. Together we will try to make a first melody… of course, thereby we won’t forget the most important part: try to enjoying making music.

For the record: We won’t be playing the Scottish or Irish pipes, but the gurdies and pipes which are traditionally played in France, Belgium or in the Netherlands. Maybe you know them from paintings of Jeroen Bosch or Pieter Breughel?

For whom? This workshop is for everyone who likes to focus for two hours on playing the bagpipe. Do you have no musical experience? Perfect! It's an introduction workshop. You don't have to bring your own instrument, we will bring some bagpipes.
  • We use bagpipes which are provided for free by the Dutch Hurdy-gurdy and Bagpipe Foundation (Stichting Draailier en Doedelzak).
  • You'll have to sign up for this workshop. The registration opens at October 5th, 16:00 CET.

DanceHow to have a part in the collective wave

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Ellwen Barbault
Level: ★ Beginners
Kind of workshop: Dance
Time: 14:30 - 16:30
Location: Open stage
In the balfolk room the global atmosphere is communicative in general, and consciously or not, everyone is a part of it. Either you are dancing in a group dance or just standing in the ballroom, you are sharing your energy to the group.

First, we're gonna learn how to place ourselves as dancing couples in the bal, in order to let everyone dancing comfortably and in a fluid way. This is done by being aware of our own direction, position and space in the ballroom. Once we’ve learned how to move harmoniously and with trust, we’ll explore the collective dances: what’s their energy, why were they created for and what kind of emotions do they bring? Finally we’re gonna see how we can live our chain dances, circles (etc.) as leader and follower by feeling what’s going through our own body and for the others as well.

As a result, each one of us will be able to consciously being a part of a big and beautiful wave we’ve just created together!

No workshop registration required!

DanceBranle Béarnais (Branle d’Ossau)

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Saskia Sportel & Arthur Abeille
Level: Everyone
Kind of workshop: Dance
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Location: Open stage
Branle Béarnais, also known as Branle d'Ossau, is a little group of dances from the South-West of France. We will enjoy the impulse, steps and group-feel of this dance "en chaine" (in chain). Saskia & Arthur will share their experience and allow you to get the basics into your body. There might not be another opportunity to dance this dance during this weekend, so you can also see this workshop as a fun-filled time to enjoy the music and make some kilometers with the steps.

No workshop registration required!

MusicThe Groove! (Or how to dance up your music)

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Remi Kesteman
Level: ★★ Slightly experienced
Kind of workshop: Music
Time: 14:30 - 16:30
Location: Music room Otter
Thinking patterns and accents in music
Music and dance are two sides of the same coin. There is rhythm, there are patterns, there are accents, which give us a way of moving or emphasizing particular moments within a repeating structure - that’s the groove. In this workshop we will break down some elements of the dances and take a look at their inner workings: how rhythm is emphasized and how it plays with or against the music that goes with them.

What you will need: To be comfortable with your own instrument, some basic dance knowledge, & an open mind.
What you won’t need: Extensive musical training, advanced dance knowledge, & fixed ideas.

  • You'll have to bring your own instrument.
  • You'll have to sign up for this workshop. The registration opens at October 5th, 16:00 CET.

MusicTunes from Scania!

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Hialøsa
Level: ★★ Slightly experienced
Kind of workshop: Music
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Location: Music room Otter
In this workshop we will learn about the musical tradition of southern Sweden, also known as “Skåne” or Scania in English. You'll learn about different types of dance tunes that are populair in Scania. For instance, Slängpolska, Engelska, Vals, Körepolska, Kadrilj & Schottis. We will go over some of them and how we think they should be played to fit with the dances.
  • You'll need to bring your own instrument.
  • It's preferred that you're used to learn music by ear.

No workshop registration required!

MusicBreton singing

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Marion Blanchard & Aurelien Congrega
Level: ★★ Slightly experienced
Kind of workshop: Music
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Location: Gym
Do you enjoy singing and group dancing? Then this workshop is made for you! We'll take a quick overview of some Breton round and chain dances and their basic steps, and then, thanks to the wide-ranging repertoire of responsories from Brittany, we will feel the pleasure of singing for dancing, of singing leading to dancing. We will experience how the connection with your dancing partners, the sound of steps on the dancefloor and relaxation may influence both individual and collective energies. Thanks to each and everyone's voice, we will also take the time to discover other aspects of folk singing: laments, melodies and open-air singing.

This workshop will be outside the festival location, at Meester Zigher ter Steghestraat 3, 8331 KG Steenwijk (walking distance).

No workshop registration required!

DanceEngelska and Slängpolska workshop

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Hialøsa
Level: Everyone
Kind of workshop: Dance
Time: 14:30 - 16:30
Location: Gym
A crash course in the two most popular dances from Skåne, the southern tip of Sweden! These dances are both fun and easy to learn, but there is so much depth and details to be found within them. After this workshop you will be ready to party south-swedish style on our “Spelmanstämmor” next summer 😉.

This workshop will be outside the festival location, at Meester Zigher ter Steghestraat 3, 8331 KG Steenwijk (walking distance).

No workshop registration required!

DanceOne-and-a-two and all that jazz!

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Mr. Folxlide
Level: ★ Beginners
Kind of workshop: Dance
Time: 14:30 - 16:30
Location: Ballet room
Not one of your regular feel-the-music workshops. Far from it! Couple dancing tricks and variations taken from several jazz-based dances, with different forms of syncopation. We will have fun and we will be puzzled.

Why Blues? Well: blues is a vernacular folk dance style spreading over a whole continent. Blues has roots in the history but is open to evolution of the music and new influences. Blues covers a variety of different dances within. Was danced mostly in crowded jook-joints with many people partying. Blues uses simple step patterns tied to the grooves and riffs of the music. How difficult would it be to replace "blues" with "balfolk" in those statements?

While not playing with ba.fnu, Mikuláš teaches dancing both home and abroad. His main passions are folk and blues, but he has a rich dancing background consisting of tango, swing, salsa, balboa and early dances with years of jazz and contemporary workshops here and there. Although he approaches every dance with a deep respect for its roots and traditions, he always aspires to broaden its horizons and create a bridge between tradition and modernity.

No workshop registration required!

Dance5 ways to dance waltz in 5

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Claire Favillier
Level: ★★ Slightly experienced
Kind of workshop: Dance
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Location: Ballet room
You're not very sure about asymmetrical waltzes? Need improvement on smooth turns and groovy variations? This workshop will work on fundamentals of the dance, giving you all the tips to "get it". We'll study several different ways to dance waltz in 5, and how to manage in all situations. For the more advanced dancers, you'll get different foot variations to spice up your dance!

No workshop registration required!

OtherTai Chi / Qi Gong

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Hans van Giffen
Level: Everyone
Kind of workshop: Other
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Location: Theatre
Taijiquan (Tai Chi) is an ancient internal martial art and is characterized by the slow, smooth and graceful consecutive movements that are called the 'form'; body and mind are one. In this awareness process you'll develop an alert relaxation, your breathing will slow down and the energy will flow through your entire body.

Qigong loosely translated means 'the cultivating of life energy' (chi) and you'll learn in fixed patterns a specific form. The stretching exercises for specific meridians, organs and body parts, combined with good breathing, will help you balance and connect your body and mind.

Lesson structure: *Warming-up - from your head to your feet, we'll softly stretch your big joints. *Walking and/or standing meditation. *Teaching the Ba Duan Jin, the 8 different exercises in the form. *Conclusion of the lesson.

Hans van Giffen has been teaching Taijiquan and Qigong for over 25 years. He has won multiple nation championships in multiple disciplines. He teaches in Amersfoort at his school, Silk Road.

No workshop registration required!

OtherTai Chi / Qi Gong

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Hans van Giffen
Level: Everyone
Kind of workshop: Other
Time: 14:30 - 16:30
Location: Theatre
Taijiquan (Tai Chi) is an ancient internal martial art and is characterized by the slow, smooth and graceful consecutive movements that are called the 'form'; body and mind are one. In this awareness process you'll develop an alert relaxation, your breathing will slow down and the energy will flow through your entire body.

Qigong loosely translated means 'the cultivating of life energy' (chi) and you'll learn in fixed patterns a specific form. The stretching exercises for specific meridians, organs and body parts, combined with good breathing, will help you balance and connect your body and mind.

Lesson structure: *Warming-up - from your head to your feet, we'll softly stretch your big joints. *Walking and/or standing meditation. *Teaching the Ba Duan Jin, the 8 different exercises in the form. *Conclusion of the lesson.

Hans van Giffen has been teaching Taijiquan and Qigong for over 25 years. He has won multiple nation championships in multiple disciplines. He teaches in Amersfoort at his school, Silk Road.

No workshop registration required!

MusicInteractive introduction of the 10 hole “blues” diatonic harmonica in Balfolk

⬆︎ Date:
Teacher(s): Jos Burgers
Level: Everyone
Kind of workshop: Music
Time: 14:30 - 16:30
Location: Music room Hedgehog
In this workshop, we will explore what is possible in Balfolk with the diatonic harmonica. The Harmonica (Harp, mundharmonica, Mond- , …) is a neat small instrument, that does the trick if you want to play music and also travel light.
This is the first workshop Jos will give on the Harmonica in Balfolk. He discovered that many musicians has the Harmonica in their luggage, so as a self-taught harmonica-player he'll need to be humble, he doesn’t know it all 😉. Hench the interactive part of the workshop title! Jos will bring the things he knows and we'll see together what we can do in two hours. You'll get some background, but we'll also play a few tunes together, there is time for joking around and of course, to have fun!
  • You'll need to bring your own harmonica/harp. Preferable a 10 hole and preferable in C (most common). If you bring your own harmonica, make sure that it is proper one, the toy ones will not give you much joy.
  • You don't have a harmonica? Jos also has 10 Hohner Specials 20 in C for sale. Normally they cost at least €30,- (with post), but he offers them for €20,-.
  • You'll have to sign up for this workshop. The registration opens at October 5th, 16:00 CET.

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